So, I have yet to decide whether or not I will keep this a pure food blog, write about cooking only, cooking + restaurants, restaurants only, include my friends, or write about something totally different altogether, oh, say, shoes. But since I haven't decided yet, I'll write about whatever I feel like for now.
My girls came to visit from SF this past weekend, it was a blast. Of course, we ate pretty much everywhere south of Union Square that anyone would want to eat. We also had the infamous bo ssam at Momofuku Ssam Bar.
It was a glorious piece of pig butt and a phenomenal group eating experience. You use baby tongs and wrap up pieces of pulled pork together w/ raw oysters and a melange of special sauces in perfect pieces of bibb lettuce. Okay, not perfect pieces, for some reason, they all had little holes in them.

You would never expect raw oysters and pork butt to go together, but boy was it yummy. I was delightfully surprised at the party in my mouth. Our only regret was that we didn't order more oysters. As you can see from the photos, the massive amounts of pig butt generated very excitable dinner guests.

what does the petit gourmand have to do with shoes? i like keeping it simple and all about food and drink.
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